You are at the pc and you are searching for some important information . You have just found what you need and now you need to send it via SMS : what do you do?
- hand-copy everything on your phone (including URLS or codes or prices and other weird stuff)
- find a paid sms service through the web
- use WIFI Keyboard !
The WiFi Keyboard let you use your computer to type something and push it to your Android device.
You can type in your browser and all the key presses will appear in your android device.
All you need is a wireless connection (or a cable) and your fingers. This may be not an every-day app (unless you are an hardcore writer who wants to write with the pc and send stuff online using the mobile connection only); anyway, you’ll be happy to have it when you need it. Plus, it’s licensed under GPL2!
Wifi Keyboard is available freely in the Android Market and on Google Code.
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