Category: Software
WordPress projecto configurator for SublimeText2 on Ubuntu Linux
WordPress-NPCM-UBUNTU is a custom version of the WordPress-new-project-config-master script, slightly modified to work on Ubuntu Linux. Most significant differences from the original version: customization of config.cfg is mandatory to have correct paths to files some mac-specific features are skipped; FTP feature is not available yet Usage: copy config-sample.cfg to config.cfg and edit variables launch with ./newproject.command Will…
Sostituzione di massa di stringhe su wordpress: quick tips
Supponiamo di dover cambiare un valore ricorrente all’interno di un blog wordpress, ad esemio un nome o un URL. A volte è possibile fare tutte le modifiche “a mano”, ma se si tratta di decine o centinaia di entry servono le maniere forti. Ecco il metodo più efficiente se si ha accesso al db, utilizzabile…
Stampa wireless con Canon MP495 su Ubuntu Natty
Come stampare come pazzi per tutta la casa/ufficio, anche dal telefonino, dal terrazzo e dalla toilette e senza nemmeno aprire il cd dei driver, utilizzando via wireless Ubuntu e la stampante Canon Pixma MP495; (supporta la funzione “stampa aeroplanino” con invio immediato delle ultime da google news).
Controllo broken links per WordPress
Nella lista delle buone pratiche da mettere in opera al momento del lancio di un nuovo sito web dovrebbe esserci sempre il controllo dei link. Si possono utilizzare strumenti come il W3C Link Checker, ma se si sta usando wordpress e se si ha sottomano un sito abbastanza grande, c’è un plugin che lo fa (cit:…
A new plugin for WordPress galleries: jQuery Colorbox
I’ve been using the superfast Shutter Reloaded for my images and i’ve never changed it because of it incomparable speed; yet, its super-minimal interface – which i personally liked a lot – was sometimes confusing for users. So i had to look for an alternative to be both fast to load, pleasant to see and intuitive.…
My Favourite Android Apps: WIFI-Keyboard
You are at the pc and you are searching for some important information . You have just found what you need and now you need to send it via SMS : what do you do? hand-copy everything on your phone (including URLS or codes or prices and other weird stuff) find a paid sms service…
Add Set Featured Thumbnail (post_thumbnails) support to any wordpress3 theme
How to add the “Set Featured Thumbnail” feature to a Wordpress 3 theme. (Aggiungere il supporto per l’immagine in evidenza su temi Wordpress che non lo implementano.)
My favourite Android Apps: Import Contacts
My favourite Android Apps. Una lista delle migliori applicazioni Open Source per Android. This week: Import Contacts – importare contatti in formato vCard direttamente da un folder sulla SD CArd
Android 2.2 (or 2.3) on your Xperia X8 phone
How to install Android 2.2 on your Xperia X8 phone in four easy steps. Getting superuser privileges and installing xRecovery the easy way.
Using Duotone Theme For WordPress
Using the Duotone Theme with Wordpress 2.9 on self-hosted instances.
Aruba Hosting e WordPress upgrades
How to survive to the Aruba hosting + wordpress combination: come risolvere “internal server error” dopo ogni aggiornamento di wordpress.
Page Tabs in Kubrick
I’ve just added navigation tabs to kubrick adding a code snippet to the header.php file The code, was taken from the “Top navigation bar for WordPress default theme(Kubrick)” – by – slightly customized to fit my colors. If you like kubrick and just need tabs it’s a perfect solution. Thank you 😉